Dreams about electricity are not that uncommon, also they represent in most cases our mental state and emotions.
They can be truly important, so finding meaning behind this type of a dream could be necessary.
There are different types of dreams about electricity and every one of them has a meaning of its own.
You can dream about electric sparks, electric wires or even electric cables, etc.
Sometimes dreams like this can have a form of a nightmare, so they can appear a little bit hard for dreamers.
So they can represent your adventurous spirit, or they can be a symbol of your troubling soul.
There are times where these dreams do not really mean anything, it really depends on your current life situation to figure this out.
When they do have a meaning, it is not really hard to understand it especially at this time when you can find out everything.
You need to remember your dream, and in this case as many details as you can remember, in order to find out the meaning.
In this article you can find different interpretations with different meanings, hopefully you will find everything you need right here.
Also, these dreams can appear if you are going through a lot right now or if you are having some issues in your life.
It is mostly your subconscious trying to warn you or to help you with your life.
The Most Common Dreams About Electricity
Dreaming of electric sparks
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about seeing electric sparks, then this type of a dream could be a sign of a new project on the way.
In most cases this dream represents your will to try something new.
It means that you will find a new project, perhaps even start a business in your near future.
It is important to try out everything you have in mind, because this world is filled with people who have lots of regrets.
It is better to try out something and fail at it than to not try it at all.
For you this is not really a problem, your nature is simply adventurous.
That is a good thing, because you are continuously exploring new ideas and trying out some new experiments.
Dreaming about fixing electricity
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about fixing electricity, then this type of a dream is an indication on your mistakes.
It actually means that you are fixing your behaviour and bad things in life.
If you have made certain mistakes in the past, you are looking for a way to resolve them now.
Also, you are changing your bad habits and you are trying to start a healthier life.
So, keep doing what you are doing.
In a way, this dream is a symbol of self-improvement.
Dreaming about electricity fire
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about electricity fire, then this type of a dream could be a sign of the fire inside you.
This is actually an indication on your emotional state of being.
You went through a lot or you are going through a lot at this moment.
There is a chance that you are the type of a person who likes to hide their feelings from the world, who does not go out of control.
You like to feel like the stable one, the person who has it all together.
Well, you see everyone goes off the hook sometimes and that is a good thing.
When you are bottling up everything for too long, at one point your emotions are going to burst.
This dream is a sign that you are cracking or already having a burst of emotions.
Stop making things hard for yourself and allow yourself to feel things.
Even if you are having an emotional breakdown, let it happen do not try to suppress it too.
Humans are designed with feelings and you need to know when the time is to control them and when it is the right time to let them go.
You are a person who is used being in the control, that is why this is really hard for you.
Dreaming about static electricity
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about static electricity, then this type of a dream is not a bad sign.
It means that you have a great personality and that you care about nature and Earth in general.
You love life and you know what you want out of it, you have your priorities straight and that is a great thing.
Also, this type of a dream is a sign that you know how to do jobs and projects that pay off really good.
In other words you know your business, you know what you need to be successful while respecting everything around you.
You are not a type of the person who takes others down to get to the top , you keep on finding better ways to get what you want.
Dreaming about electricity in your house
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about electricity in your house, then this type of a dream is an indication on positive outcomes in your life.
This type of a dream is a sign that some really great things will happen in your life, some from your expectations and some that are completely unexpected.
They can be work related, perhaps related to your relationships or even family related.
Sometimes these dreams are representing beginnings, maybe a new partner, but that is rarely the case.
They are connected with products of your past work or past wishes.
Dreaming about electricity bill
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about paying or seeing an electricity bill, then this type of a dream is actually connected with money.
It is not really an indication that you will receive certain amount of money, it is more of a warning sign for you.
It means that you are acting really irresponsible when it comes to your financial situation, you are not saving up or investing in something.
This dream can also appear if you have started gambling or drinking, when you are throwing your money on nonsense.
It doesn’t just mean that you are spending money on something bad, it can also mean that you do not think of it too seriously.
Or perhaps you have a bad habit when it comes to money, maybe you can’t keep them and you have the urge to spend it all.
Or maybe you do not know how to spend money, you are literally throwing it all away.
This dream is your subconscious way of warning you to get yourself together.
Sure, money isn’t the most important thing in the world but it is not something that unimportant.
Start acting like an adult and not some kid who likes to throw their money away
Dreaming about electrical wires
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about seeing electrical wires, then this type of a dream could be an indication on your mental state.
It means that you are not happy with your life and choices in general.
It could also be a sign that you are in a difficult state, perhaps you are not really sure about your dreams and wishes .
So, in a way, this dream could be a representation of conflicts within you.
To resolve them you need to look deep into yourself, you have to make some choices in your life.
In order to resolve your problems, you need to be ready to take some action.
Sometimes things can get real hard, especially when it comes to your mind.
Our minds are a tricky thing, you have to control it while you are aware that sometimes you just can’t.
This dream can usually appear to those who just finished high school or college, those who have a lot going on and that causes confusion.
Just relax, everything is temporary so is this.
But, you should certainly stop lurking around everywhere and start dealing with things inside your head.
Dreaming about electric cables
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about seeing electric cables, then this type of a dream represents your inability to take matter in your own hands.
It actually means that you are constantly depending on someone else to fix everything in your life.
This could be your parents, partner, or friends, whoever it is it is still not right.
You cannot expect someone else to create your life or to help you out at everything.
There is also a chance that you are letting someone else take the lead because you are afraid to stand up to that person.
For example, perhaps you are not choosing the major you love because your father thinks otherwise.
Or maybe you are doing something you hate, because your parents or someone else thinks it is a good thing to do.
This dream is your subconscious sending you a message to start making your own choices, and to fight on your path.
It is great to have friends and people who are there for you, but the harsh truth is that you are completely alone on your path.
There is no easy way, whatever you do you will have to work hard on it every day.
Instead of finding excuses and letting others control you, you should find solutions to your problems.
Dreaming about cutting electricity
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about cutting electricity, then this type of a dream could be a sign that you are fearing something only you know about.
There are many fears people are afraid of and there is no exact fear we know you are afraid of, but there is something that you do not talk about out loud.
So, perhaps you are afraid that someone is after you about something and that is an indication on paranoia.
But, in most cases this dream does not appear from a fear like that.
This dream is connected with fearing failure or being afraid for someone in your close circle.
Perhaps you are afraid of losing someone you love, but you do not like to speak about it.
Or maybe you are going through a difficult phase which brings out your deepest fears.
Try and face them, do not let them control your life and also you should find someone to talk about these things because you will feel much better then.
Dreaming about electricity going out
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about electricity going out, then this type of a dream is a sign of complications in your life.
It is mostly connected with your mental state, you are having some issues with choosing the right path.
Also, you are constantly feeling overwhelmed and you are getting lost in everyday activities.
There is a possibility that you are suffering from anxiety or depression at this point, so this dream comes up as a warning sign for you to seek some help.
Maybe you just need someone to talk to openly and maybe now nobody is paying true attention for your needs.
Still, you should talk to a close friend about your confusing thoughts and tiredness.
Depression can be cured, even if it seems like it’ll never end it will.
In order to end it you need to take some action.
Dreaming about getting electrocuted
If you had a dream like this, in which you are getting electrocuted, then this type of a dream could be a little bit strange for you.
This dream usually appears in a form of a nightmare, so it can be a really uneasy experience for the dreamer.
These types of dreams are also very realistic and can keep you thinking that they actually happened.
It is completely normal to be in shock and to feel frightened, but this dream has a deeper meaning than you think.
It is actually connected with your inner problems and unresolved issues from the past.
It can also appear with people who are battling with PTSP or other type of trauma from their childhood or from something else.
The most important thing is to acknowledge that you have a problem and to seek some help.
This dream is a sign from your subconscious that you cannot supress everything deep down, you need to face it all before it consumes you.
Dreaming about electric light
If you had a dream like this, in which you are dreaming about seeing electric light, then this type of a dream is an indication on your character.
You are a person who likes to know where they stand, you do not like things being in the middle.
Right now you wish to find out something you wondered about, also you want things to be crystal clear in your life so that you can move on.
This dream does not have a bad meaning.