Dreaming of Being Kidnapped: Biblical & Spiritual Meaning

Dreams about being kidnapped are always terrifying and they can be real nightmares for a dreamer.

After such dream a dreamer may be feeling scared, confused, insecure or anxious.

Anyway, dreams about being kidnapped can have very important symbolism and they can give us answers to important life questions.

These dreams can have a lot of meanings and in this text we are going to tell you something more about them.

You will see what dreams about being kidnapped can mean in a spiritual and biblical way.

We are going to reveal you their most important meanings and also messages that may be hidden in such dreams.

Also, we are going to mention some of the most important situations that may appear in a dream about being kidnapped.

We are going to tell you how to interpret these dreams and how to understand them better.

If you have ever dreamed of being kidnapped, then you certainly know how stressful and terrifying these dreams can be.

If you would like to find out what these dreams represent and what it means when you dream of being kidnapped, then you should read this text.

Spiritual Meanings of the Dreams about Being Kidnapped

Lack of Control. If you had a dream in which you have been kidnapped, it can mean that you have lost control over your waking life.

Actually, there might be certain aspects of your life that you cannot control anymore.

It is possible that someone else is controlling your life. Metaphorically, this person is represented by the kidnapper in your dream.

You have the feeling that someone else is controlling your life. You may be depending a lot on someone else in your waking life.

There might be a person in your waking life who is trying to control the things.

There might be someone who wants to make decisions for you and keep your whole life under control.

It can be your partner, your parent or any other person in your waking life.

If you had a dream about being kidnapped, you should think of who could be that person.

It is possible that you will have this type of a dream if your parents are trying to have control over your life and your choices.

However, this dream doesn’t have always to mean that someone else is controlling your life.

It can only mean that you don’t have control over it and that you are feeling powerless because of that.

For example, a dream about being kidnapped can mean that you are losing control over your own life because you may be addicted to drugs or alcohol.

It is also possible that you have a feeling that you cannot do anything in your career and you don’t know how to make a progress.

That’s why you may be feeling that you cannot control some things related to your job or career.

It is also possible that you have a feeling in a real life that you cannot control things because you don’t know how to save money and you have always financial problems.

It may be also the reason why you may be feeling like you don’t have control over your life.

As you can see, the reasons why you are feeling this way can be different, but anyway this lack of control in your real life makes you feel anxious and depressed most of the time.

You are feeling powerless and you may have a feeling that someone else is controlling your life.

Anyway, a dream about being kidnapped should make you think about it and try to regain control over your own life.

This dream is reminding you to take your life in your own hands and to make your own choices and decisions.

Manipulation. One of the spiritual meanings related to your dream about being kidnapped is manipulation and it has to do with the lack of control that we have already mentioned above.

Actually, this dream means that you have a feeling that someone is trying to manipulate you in your waking life.

There might be a person who has a great influence on your life and this person is trying to control you.

You believe this person very much and you are ready to do everything that this person suggests you.

This person is trying to make important decisions and choices in your life and wants to manipulate with your own feelings.

You may not be aware of that manipulation, but a dream about being kidnapped may be telling you this.

This dream may be warning you to think of who is trying to manipulate you in your real life and it is telling you to get rid of the influence of that person.

It is time to take your life in your own hands and to avoid any kind of manipulations that come from other people.

Insecurities in Your Relationships. Another possible interpretation of the dreams about being kidnapped is that you may be feeling insecure when it comes to your love life.

If you are in a relationship in your waking life, it is possible that you have a lot of insecurities and doubts related to your romantic partner.

It is possible that you don’t have enough space for yourself in that relationship and you have a feeling that your partner is pressing you all the time.

A dream about being kidnapped can also mean that you don’t have enough self-confidence, which can affect your relationship a lot.

All your insecurities in a real life are making you vulnerable in both physical and emotional way.

That’s why you may be dreaming that someone is kidnapping you.

Also, this type of a dream can reflect your insecurities related to relationships that you have with your friends.

You may be feeling insecure in such relationships, too. You don’t believe in yourself and you may be under attack of your friends very often.

You don’t know how to defend yourself from your friends who may be attacking you all the time because of something that you have done or that you haven’t done.

Anyway, you may have a lack of confidence and you may be feeling insecure in your love relationship as well as in relationships with your friends.

A dream about being kidnapped is telling you in this case that you should work more on your self-esteem and you should be more self-confident if you want to have healthy and strong relationships in your waking life.

Hidden Emotions. There is another explanation for your dream about kidnapping.

This dream could mean that you are hiding your own emotions not only from other people, but also from yourself.

You are afraid to admit what you are really feeling and you live this way for a long period of time.

You don’t have courage to express your emotions and because of that you may be feeling trapped in your waking life.

A dream about being kidnapped may be reminding you to become aware of your emotions and to express them without fears.

You have to learn how to manage your emotions and how to determine your own priorities in life.

If you keep emotions inside of you for too long, they could explode in one moment.

A dream about being kidnapped will help you understand better what you really feel and express your emotions freely.

Once you understand what your real emotions are, it can also help you heal yourself emotionally and mentally.

Positive Thinking. Another spiritual meaning of the dreams about being kidnapped could be positive thinking.

It actually means that you should try to think in a positive way even though there might be some problems in your life.

You should try to stay away from negative emotions and negative people. Also, this dream indicates that you should get rid of all toxic relationships in your life.

Try to think positively and embrace all positive changes that may come on your way. It will help you grow spiritually and make some good changes in your life.

Lack of Trust. Another possible spiritual meaning of a dream about being kidnapped is that you have lost trust in most people in your life.

It is possible that someone disappointed you and hurt you very much in the past and because of that you don’t trust anyone.

You may be feeling insecure and vulnerable in your waking life and these feelings may be expressed in your dream, too.

It is possible that you have a feeling that there is nobody you can trust. It could be one more interpretation of your dream about being kidnapped.

Escape from Responsibilities. If you have dreamed that you were kidnapped, it can also mean that you are not ready to take all responsibilities that you have in your waking life.

You are not feeling ready to take responsibilities for your own actions and you are trying to escape from them all the time.

Sometimes you have a feeling that you are not ready to grow. You would like to live without any worries and responsibilities.

However, a dream about being kidnapped is reminding you that you cannot have a carefree life forever.

It is time to accept responsibilities in your life and to grow in a spiritual way.

This dream is telling you that it is time to end a certain phase in your life and to prepare yourself for new beginnings.

If you take your own responsibilities, it will help you grow and develop yourself in a spiritual way, as well as in all other ways.

Getting to Know yourself Better. If you had a dream about being kidnapped, it will also help you get to know yourself better.

It actually means that this dream will give you the chance to learn some new things about yourself.

If you have seen in your dream that you were kidnapped, it can help you understand better certain aspects of your own personality.

This way you will get the chance to identify some problems in your life and to start working on them.

Also, a dream about being kidnapped can help you understand your own emotions and desires better.

Besides, it can help you see clearly what your fears are and finally face with them.

Looking for Help. Another spiritual explanation for a dream about being kidnapped is that you are looking for help in your real life.

You may be going through difficult times and because of that you would like someone to help you.

It is also possible that you had some traumatic experiences and you don’t know how to cope with your own emotions.

Through a dream about being kidnapped your subconscious mind is telling you that you need help. It is not good to keep your emotions deep inside of you.

You need to share them with people you love or you should seek medical help.

Only when you overcome your bad experiences and when you face your own emotions, you will get a chance to move on and to leave your past behind you.

Because of that you should not keep all for yourself, but you should ask someone who is close to you to help you go through a difficult period.

Also, you could seek professional help if you feel that you need it.

Biblical Meanings of the Dreams about Being Kidnapped

You have seen a lot of meanings related to the dreams about being kidnapped.

Also, it is important to know that there are many explanations of these dreams in the Bible.

In the Bible the dreams about being kidnapped have very important symbolism.

Biblically, these dreams are always related to a sin.

If you have dreamed of being kidnapped, it could mean that the Satan will try to lead you towards the path that may be full of sins.

Also, the Bible says that the Satan will keep you in a spiritual bondage.

There may be someone in your life who is trying to manipulate you in a spiritual way.

Because of that you may lose your own morality and make a sin.

However, there is also another biblical interpretation of the dreams about being kidnapped.

These dreams could mean that someone is going to betray you in the near future.

In this case your dream about kidnapping could be a warning for you to be careful and not to trust all people.

You should think well about people who are close to you because someone may betray you and disappoint you in the following period.

As you have seen, there are a lot of spiritual and biblical meanings related to the dreams about being kidnapped.

You are going to see now what the most common dreams about being kidnapped are and how you can interpret them.

The Most Common Dreams about Being Kidnapped

Dreaming of a Stranger Kidnapping You. If you have seen in your dream that a stranger was kidnapping you, this dream probably means that you have lost control over your own life.

Also, you may be feeling manipulated from someone. There might be a person in your waking life who is trying to take advantage of you and this dream is warning you of that.

There might be someone who is trying to control your own life.

A dream in which a stranger kidnapped you is telling you that you should take your life in your own hands and you should not let others abuse your naivety and take decisions for you.

Dreaming of Your Ex Kidnapping You. If you had a dream in which your ex kidnapped you, it reflects your own feelings toward this person.

Actually, this dream probably means that you still love your ex partner and it is difficult for you to forget him/her.

If you had this dream, it should make you think of your own feelings.

You need to decide if you want to be with that person again or it is better to be separated.

Anyway, a dream about being kidnapped from your ex should make you think of your own emotions and choices in life.

Dreaming of Falling in Love with a Kidnapper. If you had this unusual dream, we are going to reveal you what it can mean.

Actually, a dream in which you have fallen in love with the person who kidnapped you probably means that you may be feeling trapped because of something in your waking life.

In this case your dream about kidnapping is reminding you to think well why you may be feeling comfortable in such situation and decide what you really want in your life.

Dreaming of Someone Kidnapping and Torturing You. If you had this type of a dream, it reflects your own wounds in a real life.

It is possible that you have gone through a very difficult period recently and all your pain has been reflected in this dream.

Someone may hurt you a lot and your wounds are very big, both in mental and emotional way.

It is possible to have this dream if you have recently lost someone you love or if you had any traumatic experiences.

If this dream is repeating a couple of times, it would be best to talk with an expert and to seek professional help.

Dreaming of Escaping after Being Kidnapped. If you had a dream in which you escaped after being kidnapped, it means that you are trying to escape from some problems that you have in your waking life.

It is possible that you are going through a difficult period right now and you may be trying to escape from your own responsibilities.

In this case your dream about escaping is telling you that you should face all the problems that you have and you should learn how to deal with difficult situations in your life.

Dreaming of Being Kidnapped and Murdered. In most cases a dream about being kidnapped and murdered indicates that you have a lot of problems in your waking life.

It is possible that you might be in a difficult situation and you are feeling powerless.

You have lost your hope and you don’t know how to get out of that situation.

Dreams about being kidnapped and murdered are typical for people who have financial worries in their waking lives.

If you have financial problems, it is possible that you will have this dream, too.

On the other side, a dream about being kidnapped and murdered can also have good symbolism and it can mean that a certain phase in your life has come to an end.

It is possible that a bad period in your life will stay behind you, because it is time to start a new phase that will be better for you.

Dreaming of Your Family Member Being Kidnapped. If you have dreamed that someone of your family members was kidnapped, it probably means that you are afraid of losing that person in a real life.

It is possible that you have very strong relationships with your family members and you have fears of losing them.

Another explanation of this dream could be that someone of your family members may be in a danger.

It is possible that someone from your family has problems and maybe you are the one who could help him/her.

There is one more interpretation of a dream in which someone of your family members was kidnapped.

Actually, this dream could mean that your family member has a very strong influence on your life.

This person may be even trying to control your life and to take decisions for you.

In this case a dream of your family member who is being kidnapped can mean that you should take your life in your own hands.

It is good to accept the help of your family members sometimes, but you should not let them control your life.

At the end we are going to mention one more meaning related to a dream in which you have seen that someone of your family members was kidnapped.

Actually, this dream could also mean that you are going to have some problems at your job.

It is possible that decisions that you will make will not be good for you.

Because of the mistakes that you are going to make at your work, you may have a lot of problems in your career in the future.

In order to prevent that, this dream may be warning you to be careful at your work and to avoid mistakes because they can cause you big problems in the future.

Dreaming of Your Partner Being Kidnapped. If you have dreamed that your partner was kidnapped, this dream is telling you to think of your relationship or marriage.

It is possible that you have started to take your partner for granted, which is not good for your relationship.

You should think well if you want to stay with your current partner and if you still love him/her.

This dream is telling you that it is time to change something in your relationship or to end it if you are not happy anymore.

It is possible to dream about your partner being kidnapped if you are having a difficult period right now or if there were some problems in your relationship in the recent period.

Anyway, you should think well what you really want in your life and you should make important decisions related to your relationship or marriage.

That could be a spiritual message that this dream brings to you.

Dreaming of Someone Kidnapping Your Child. If you have dreamed that someone kidnapped your child, it means that you have too many worries about your children.

You are always worrying about them, even though it may not be necessary sometimes. You are worried about the well-being of your children and you think that they grow very fast.

Because of that you have fears that your children will decide to live without you and that they won’t need you anymore.

Also, this dream indicates that you have fears that something bad can happen to your children.

A dream about someone kidnapping your child reflects the worries that you have as a parent.

However, there is also another possible explanation of this dream. It can reflect your own personality as well.

Actually, this dream could mean that you are getting older and mature every day more.

Because of that you may have fears of getting old and stop being a child.

However, it is possible that you still behave like a child sometimes.

Dreaming of Killing a Person who Kidnapped You. If you had a dream in which you killed a kidnapper, it is a good sign.

Actually, this dream reflects your own strength and decisiveness in a real life.

You know exactly what you want in your life and there is nobody who could manipulate you in any way.

You are ready to defence yourself in every situation and people have sometimes fears of you.

You don’t let anyone get advantage of you and abuse you.


You have seen in this text that dreams about being kidnapped can be very important in a spiritual and biblical way.

The symbolism of these dreams has been known since long time ago.

Dreams about being kidnapped can reflect your own insecurities, doubts and fears in a real life.

Also, these dreams can symbolize the lack of control in your waking life, as well as your hidden emotions or lack of trust.

If you have dreamed that you were kidnapped, it probably means that some worries and problems are bothering you in your real life.

You may be going through a difficult period right now and you may need help.

Sometimes these dreams even indicate that a dreamer needs professional help.

Because of that you should try to interpret thoroughly your dream about being kidnapped.

This dream can bring you very important spiritual messages and it can show you the path that you should follow in the future.

We hope that this text helped you understand better the dreams about being kidnapped.

As we have said, these dreams can give you answers to many questions in your life.

We are sure that from now on you will be able to interpret such dreams on your own and you will understand the messages that you may receive through the dreams about being kidnapped.

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